Wednesday, March 21, 2007

A little of this, a little of that

I actually stitched a little bit last weekend. DD was napping while DH was watching NASCAR qualifying, and I was able to get about halfway across the last band on the blackwork before she woke up.

She surprised us by saying some numbers out loud while "reading" a book. I had been working with her on letters, but not numbers....

I think she's got the last of her molars coming in--she's been really fussy the past few days. To the point of crying and saying "NO! NO! NO!" when I get her dressed in the morning. And I was putting on one of her favorite shirts. She usually smiles and laughs and says "Sirt! SIRT! Pan! PAN! Ka! KA!" ("Shirt, Pants, Socks") when I dress her. I hope the terrible twos aren't starting early. I've been putting Baby Orajel on her gums, and that seems to placate her for a while. I can feel maybe one spot that a tooth could be starting to break through.

1 comment:

Belinda said...

It does sound like teething and not terrible twos starting early. My DD gets grumpy and uncooperative when she's not feeling well also. Hopefully your DD will be back to her normal happy self soon!