Last Friday I had my gall bladder removed. It was, in the words of the G-I doctor, "packed with stones." So that explains the stomach pains I've been having since summer. While laying about in a hospital bed sounds like an excellent opportunity to get some stitching done, the reality was that I just didn't feel good enough.
This morning, DH woke up with food poisoning, or perhaps it's a stomach virus. Either way, he's in bed and I'm trying to take care of him, DD, and myself. The toughest thing is I'm not supposed to pick up more than 10 pounds for another week, so I can't pick up DD--she weighs about 27 pounds. Which makes things like diaper changes and washing her hands at the sink very interesting.
I did do some stitching last night on Springtime Roses. I've put down the secret project until I can get the silks it uses rinsed. The good thing is that DH gave me my own digi cam for Christmas, and it's hooked to my computer--so no more waiting on him to download pics from the camera so I can post them! Yay! I'll be taking a pic of Springtime Roses later.